UX Research & Discovery

The discovery phase which includes UXR and market research, are is pivotal in mitigating risks and validating a startup idea. They serve as tools to confirm (or invalidate) the presence and preferences of potential users, alongside their primary unmet needs and challenges. Through comprehensive interviews, surveys, and user testing, we glean insights into user interactions — not just with our envisioned product or service, but also with existing market solutions and competitors. This process reveals the product wedge, a focal point that remains at the forefront of my strategy during the early validation and ideation phase.



“Momentus - Empowering voices, amplifying impact.”


  • We hypothesize that there is an unmet demand for a digital engine that is more efficient and provides higher success rates in both gathering support and effecting tangible change through social movements, compared to current platforms like

  • Additionally, we believe there is an untapped opportunity to harness a flywheel effect, leveraging the collective voices within the platform for amplified momentum and reach.

We aimed to uncover the deficiencies in current platforms, exploring the opportunity of a new digital mechanism that more effectively empowers users to create successful movements.

The Lean Team:

  • one researcher

  • one design lead

  • one intern


2 weeks for research and synthesis

What we did:

We conducted competitive research, in-depth interviews, and surveys with users, developed personas and user journey maps, and tested several prototypes, one of which is shown below.


  • Identified inefficiencies and gaps in popular platforms like

  • Uncovered key strategies and themes from successful social movements

  • Designed a milestone-activated, goal-driven platform that engages multiple stakeholders for impactful change

  • Created an innovative activist flywheel, a novel way to repurpose influence and support to drive continuous impact

Check out the findings and synthesis in the presentation below.


Insights and findings


Quick prototype


Let’s connect

Interested in learning more? Hit me up 👇 and let’s talk.